Command line apps for Linux no need for Gui

These are my recommendations for default applications on a command line only desktop system. These are the applications I use everyday.  

Alpine - an easy to use and highly configurable email client
elinks - text only web browser
links2 - web browser that runs in the framebuffer, capable of displaying images
Screenshot of a sample Bash session, taken on ...
Image via Wikipedia
ncftp - ftp client
youtube-dl - youtube video downloader
bashpodder - podcast podcatcher
newsbeuter - RSS feed reader
ssh - Remote access
rtorrent - bittorrent client
wicd - network/wireless manager which runs in ncurses
scp - transfer files over a network
aria2 - downloader
centerim - instant messenger
irssi - irc clinet

Office Suite
latex - word processing
vim - text editor
slsc - spreadsheet
tpp - presentations (use figlet for fonts) 
hnb - note-taking
fbgs - View .pdf files in the framebuffer
dict - dictionary
ispell - Spell correction
antiword - view .doc files as text
uniconv - convert various file formats to be readable in the CLI
docx2txt - convert .docx files to text

Social Networking
Charm - blogging application
twidge - twitter and client
fbcmd - Facebook client

gcalcli - google calendar on the commandline - to-do list
contact script - address book
pwsafe - password manager

mplayer - plays video in the framebuffer, also plays flash videos from the web
moc - music player
alsamixer - audio mixer
cdparanoia - CD/DVD ripper
mybashburn - CD/DVD buring

Games (I like to play)
Quake - playing in dosbox on the framebuffer
ninvaders - space invaders clone
monop - monopoly game as part of BSD games
boggle - part of BSD games
backgammon - part of BSD games
pacman - a pac-man game cloneDevelopment
vim - html editorTools
dosbox - DOS emulator capable of running on the framebuffer
htop - system monitor
truecrypt - encrypting drives
weather-util - weather application
zip - compress files
tar - back up 
rsync - backing up my system
mc - file manager
lp - printing
bible-kjv - King James version of the Bible
dropbox - file syncronation
scanimage - scanning images and documents

Send Vinay Jhedu
an email at

One thought on “Command line apps for Linux no need for Gui

  1. Joe April 2, 2013 / 1:58 am

    Thanks for the list, I’ve set up a command-line interface (using pdmenu) for the Raspberry Pi and these apps are handy. Also, there is another framebuffer web browser called netsurf-fb.

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